STRESS AND BELLY FAT Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, is found in the abdominal cavity surrounding your organs. As increased amounts of fat accumulate in this area, an inflammatory response is triggered by the immune system. And although inflammation is part of the normal healing response of the body, excessive belly fat leads […]
Hammer Strength Stability Ball Review
I recently purchased a stability / fitness ball for my Austin personal training studio. I love using fitness balls because they are an easy-to-use added feature to create new and challenging exercises for my clients. This is done by its strengthening and improving the balance and posture of the core muscles while performing any number […]
Don’t Do These 8 Things When You’re Trying to Lose Weight
There are few things more confusing, distorted and in some cases, downright ridiculous than weight loss programs promising everything this side of eternity. How can so many programs guarantee success, with good health a bi-product, when they differ so significantly in their approach? Unfortunately, the majority of diets restrict caloric intake to the point where […]
13 Surprising Health Reasons to Have Sex More Frequently
As an Austin health advocate and personal trainer, I am always looking for ways to help people improve their lives through nutrition, exercise, better sleep and stress management. But, have you wondered if sex has more to offer than just a good time or to meet a physical need? It may just be that sex […]
Happiness & Health in Austin: 26 Habits Embraced By Happy People
How would you answer the question, “What do you want most in life?” To be rich? To be in a loving relationship? To look better? Although these are legitimate professional and life satisfaction aspirations, do the answers actually dictate your level of innate happiness? The answer is yes, to an extent. It has been estimated […]
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